Venice the Famous Write about It

Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liqueurs in one go. Truman Capote

It is the city of mirrors, the city of mirages, at once solid and liquid, at once air and stone. Erica Jong

I have spoken to you of Pompeii,” said the Moon, “that corpse of a city, exposed in the view of living towns. I know another sight still more strange, and this is not the corpse but the specter of a city. Whenever the jetty fountains splash into the marble basins, they seem to me to be telling the story of the floating city.      Hans Christian Andersen

There is something so different in, Venice from any other place in, the world, that you leave at, once all accustomed habits and, everyday sights to enter an, enchanted garden.      Mary Shelley

A city for beavers.     Ralph Waldo Emerson

White swan of cities slumbering in thy nest…
White phantom city, whose untrodden streets
Are rivers, and whose pavements are the shifting
Shadows of the palaces and strips of sky.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

In Venice, Tass’s echoes are no more, And silent rows the songless gondolier; Her palaces are crumbling to the shore, And music meets not always now the ear.     Lord Byron

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